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Free Stop Smoking Services In Your Local Area

What are Smokefree Services?

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Smokefree Services deliver a wide range of tobacco projects to reduce the effect of tobacco on people who live and work in Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

Smokefree Services

  • Provide free stop smoking support from trained professionals
  • Are relaxed, informal, friendly and take place in local venues
  • Provide weekly sessions, normally in groups - support and encouragement from the advisor and the other quitters mean that you will be much more likely to succeed.
  • Discuss:
    • Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)
    • Zyban ®
    • Champix ®

And if appropriate give you a form to take to your GP or pharmacist to request the request the product of your choice (following discussion with your GP for Zyban or Champix). Normal prescription charges or exemptions apply.

Local contact for Smokefree:

Smokefree Community Services
Renfrewshire Community Health Partnership
01505 821 316

For more information on Smokefree Services call Smokeline on 0800 84 84 84 or visit: